Tuesday, February 16, 2010

things that make me happy today

1. My son being above grade level in all subjects (am grateful for all that he is even when the road has been or will be hard)
2. My health & my family's health (I do not want to take it for granted)
3. Having a home that we enjoy
4. My parents being such a big help to me
5. Having my Blackberry (aka Crackberry) to stay in touch with loved ones!
6. That Mallory is potty trained...no changing diapers for me, so sir-ree!
7. That my hubs loves me...he is the best.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dad Is Hilarious!

Mallory is so funny right now. She is two and half, potty trained (and loving it), picks out her own clothes (I have to help with the matching), talks on her "cell" phone, and helps me cook! Some of the funny phrases she has said lately are..."because I want to!" "Can I have an itty bitty chocolate?" angrily, "Dad didn't give me stuff!" and the ever so charming, addition of the word "poopy" on the end of her sentences. So this morning she came into my room and said "Mom, Dad is hawareeus!" Really? He is, huh? She makes all of us laugh everyday. Our sassy little lady..we better get ready for her as a teenager...ha ha!